Refund and Returns Policy

Policy Basics

If you receive a wrong or damaged order, you have the right to request a refund or to have the company resend the product to you.

To assist us in speeding up the process, please follow these steps:

  1. Kindly ensure that you send the clear pictures of the packet of the medication and the medication that you received respectively.
  2. Our shipping team will review the problem and solve it within 12 working hours.

You can either receive a refund or we can reship the same number of pills that were delivered to you.

For a refund we will process the whole amount and you will receive a confirmation on your email address that you have provided.

In case of reshipment we shall send the right pills to either the same or a different address. Kindly, confirm whether you would wish to use another address. Furthermore, once we resend the package, we shall offer you a new tracking number for it.

We will send you address through which you can return your order. Once we get the return tracking number you will process the refund.

Special note:

  1. Refund and reshipping is only possible in case of an order error.
  2. Also, these are only applicable within 15 business days from such notification.
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