Erectile Dysfunction

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What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (Impotence) is the condition in which a man is unable to get an erection or to achieve an erection that is rigid enough to enable him to have sex. It is a frequent problem, particularly in ageing men. Physical and psychological causes can cause Impotence, and the following are some of the causes.

For example, such diseases as heart diseases, diabetes, and obesity can cause blood flow complications, which in turn cause Erectile dysfunction (Impotence). Further, stress, anxiety, or depression can also cause problems with sexual arousal.

Erectile dysfunction is not only a literal issue it can also cause problems in relationships. Such men may have low self-esteem because of the condition that they are experiencing known as Impotence.

This can only serve to make the condition even worse, from an emotional perspective. Also, other factors such as taking alcohol, smoking, or not exercising regularly may lead to Impotence.

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

  1. Difficulty achieving an erection:- The one that is usually presented, may be presented sometimes or most of the time.
  2. Inability to maintain an erection:- It may result to an erection but the erection may not be sustained even when making love.
  3. Reduced sexual desire:- A decrease in the interest for sex is an apparent sign of Erectile Dysfunction.
  4. Delayed or absent orgasm:- It is also a sign if one is having a hard time to achieve an orgasm during intercourse.
  5. Inconsistent erections:- Likewise, the tendency of having an inconsistent level of erection can be frustrating.
  6. Stress and anxiety:- It is these feelings that are usually as a result of repeated cases of erectile dysfunction.
  7. Impact on self-esteem:- Chronic ED may lead to the loss of self-confidence and mars the quality of life.
  8. Relationship issues:- This may cause a strain on relationships and make people become distant or arguments can occur.
  9. Possible underlying health conditions:- The cause of Impotence symptoms may be diabetes, heart diseases or some other underlying medical condition.
  10. Influence of lifestyle factors:- There are certain factors such as smoking, overconsumption of alcohol and lack of exercise that can also make symptoms to be worse.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

  1. Heart disease:- It interferes with the blood Supply therefore making it hard to get an erection.
  2. Diabetes:- Affect nerves and blood vessels making a man prone to getting an erection dysfunction.
  3. Obesity:- Causes hormonal imbalance problems and also affects the blood circulation.
  4. High blood pressure:- Harms the circulation of blood which is necessary in order to have an erection.
  5. High cholesterol:- May lead to blood vessel injury thus resulting in erectile dysfunction (Impotence).
  6. Smoking:- This leads to the narrowing of the blood vessels making blood flow to the penis to decrease.
  7. Excessive alcohol consumption:- Affects the nervous system, which impacts on the erectile dysfunction.
  8. Sedentary lifestyle:- Inactivity decreases the heart’s wellbeing and affects the erections.
  9. Stress and anxiety:- These are the psychological factors that may affect the sexual performance.
  10. Depression:- May reduce the sex drive and may also make it harder to achieve and sustain an erection.
  11. Certain medications:- Medications used for high blood pressure, depression or anxiety can lead to Impotence.
  12. Hormonal imbalances:- The causes of Erectile Dysfunction include low testosterone level or any other hormonal imbalance.
  13. Nerve damage:- Some of the diseases like multiple sclerosis or the spinal cord injuries are known to cause Impotence.
  14. Sleep disorders:- It is also important to note that poor sleep patterns may also lead to sexual health issues including erectile dysfunction.
  15. Peyronie’s disease:- It leads to abnormal bending of the penis which makes the erections painful or even impossible.

Types of Erectile Dysfunction

  1. Primary ED:- It happens when a man has never had an erection at all it is often related to severe developmental problems.
  2. Secondary ED:- Usually occurs more frequently and in men who before had normal erectile health it is mostly due to physical factors.
  3. Situational ED:- Ocurs in certain circumstances or with particular individuals usually connected with tension or other negative feelings.
  4. Psychogenic ED:- Psychological disorder There is no known physical reason for it, but stress or depression can bring it on.
  5. Organic ED:- can arise from physical factors, including inadequate blood supply, nerve compression, or hormonal changes.
  6. Vascular ED:- It results from insufficient blood supply to the penile tissue it is associated with heart diseases or atherosclerosis.
  7. Neurogenic ED:- Due to the damage of nerves it may be as a result of diseases such as multiple sclerosis or spinal injuries.
  8. Endocrinologic ED:- has associations with hormonal imbalances, such as low testosterone hormone levels.
  9. Medication-induced ED:- Folded under Side effects of certain drugs such as those used to control blood pressure or for treating depression.
  10. Mixed ED:- Both the physical and psychological aspects involve a complex problem that often requires a complex solution.

Erectile Dysfunction Test And Diagnosis

The management of erectile dysfunction is done by urologist or endocrinologist. Nevertheless, cardiologists deal with circumstances that are related to the heart ailments. At the same time, mental health specialists are concerned with the psychological factors.

The following tests can help in diagnosing erectile dysfunction –

  • Physical examination of the testicles and the penis
  • Blood test
  • Checking Complete blood count (CBC)
  • Lipid panel
  • Kidney and liver function tests
  • urine test
  • Penile Doppler ultrasound
  • Magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA)
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