Lesbian Understanding Attraction Between Women

Lesbian: Understanding Attraction Between Women

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Published on: October 9, 2024
Last updated on: October 9, 2024
Written By Richard Daniel

Hey there! Wondered what attracts lesbians the most. Whether you’re looking to sort out your own feelings, help understand a friend or family member, or are just plain curious yourself— here’s an in depth look at the beautiful complexity of what women find attractive other women.

Setting the Scene of Lesbian

So, imagine this, you are at a somewhat packed coffeehouse and you see these two women sitting across from the next table. They are absolutely gaga about each other, giggling, maybe even sharing a quick lesbian kiss, leaning in. There is something electric between them. It might be a lesbian inquisition in its early form.

Well, did you know that, In US, just 5.6% of adults are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender according to a recent Gallup poll; more than half (3.3%) identifying as bisexual? Of course, numbers do little to reflect the diversity of experiences within the lesbian community. Well, let’s dig a little deeper and break down the complexities of lesbian attraction.

Understanding Lesbian Attraction

What Does ‘Lesbian’ Really Mean?

And let’s experience a rapid time travel. So, in other words, we have wonderful Sappho that lived in ancient Greece on the island of Lesbos. Besides being a poet who wrote about the love between two women with great passion, and giving name to the terms sapphic and lesbian. Cool, right?

Now, 100 years later, when you say ‘lesbian’ or wave lesbian flag, most people understand it to mean ‘a woman who is attracted romantically and sexually to other women. But the fact is, it isn’t all black and white. Some women may still call themselves lesbian, even if they are attracted to men very occasionally. Welcome to the amazing rainbow of sexual diversity!

Is It All in the Genes?

So, the question may arrive in your mind that; “Is a lesbian is born”? Scientists have been puzzled by this for decades. Even though there’s no one “gay gene,” the theory is that it is influenced by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors.

This is probably true: some studies have found differences in brain structure between straight and gay folks — particularly in pathways associated with sexual behavior. More important to note, however, is that correlations do not imply a causal relationship. The human brain, unsurprisingly, is still shrouded in mystery.

Nature or Nurture?

This is where it gets more interesting. The environment in which we develop affects greatly how we experience and manifest our sexuality. But the fact is that the way we are brought up, our friends and even movies and stuff have an impact on how relationships and attraction appear to us.

In a way, recognizing that you are a lesbian and seeing pieces of the puzzle fit is one in the same for most lesbians. Bit by bit, they learn to recognize their emotions s in life that is completely heteronormative. Teenager lesbians may face unique struggles as they come to terms with their attraction in a largely heteronormative society. It might be hard and long road of self-discovery.

The Many Flavors of Lesbian Attraction

The Physical Spark

Let us discuss that flutter in your stomach when you ask someone out. In the case of a lesbian, as with anyone, it could be any number of physical traits that would set their jokes off. And guess what? There is absolutely no way to “look” like a lesbian. With “lipstick lesbians” and even “butch” women in between, lesbian of course encompass a variety of preferences that are as diverse as the girls themselves.

Not to mention your whole-body language! Even a lingering glance across a room, the way someone tucks their hair behind their ear – these small stutters in action speak volumes of the language of attraction.

Heart-to-Heart Connection

For countless lesbians, something more profound than aesthetic is what turns them on. The whole deep, soul-stirring connection. So picture running into the one person just completely gets it, you can talk to for hours about anything or nothing. That emotional intimacy? It’s sort of the missing link in the formula for lesbian desire.

But shared experiences can be as strong a bond. Walking at the lesbian path that has it´s own joy and suffering can create a special bond between two women.

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Let’s Get Physical

Ok, so sex — here we go. The potential for sexuality between women can be as broad and varied as the sexuality between which either gender experiences. For instance, sex positions for lesbians offer as much diversity in expression and connection. Lesbian intimacy ranges from sweet and gentle to fiery and passionate starts with lesbian kissing and goes with variety of sex positions for lesbians

Note: Sexual orientation is not always something that is fixed. It’s important to define sexual orientation clearly. There are some who might use a lesbian label for themselves while also finding the occasional man attractive, and there are others for whom that occasional attraction means identifying as something like bi-sexual or pansexual.

The important thing is to recognise how a person labels or experiences their sexuality for themselves.

Busting Myths and Facing Challenges

Debunking Stereotypes

Time to bust some myths! Of course, not all lesbians U-Haul on the second date (although there are some! And so, it’s not like there always has to be a “man” and a “woman” in the relationship — that’s kind of whole point about being lesbian, right?

A more damaging misconception is that being a lesbian is “only a phase” or that by finding the “right guy,” any woman can have her lesbianism reshaped. Make no mistake about it, these are not only misunderstandings but can be incredibly painful as well. Two women can genuinely love each other.

A lot of misconceptions add that lesbians are not openly physical in public, yet lesbian kissing is a statement of love and being seen especially at pride events again more on this later.

Overcoming Obstacles

Though it is simply much more appropriate now, many lesbians however battle. The ripple effects of coming out have reached every corner of my life. I deal with family spill-over and office discrimination. It can be a struggle to keep my head above water when I’m ‘out’and not blending in with the mainstream.

Even Many teenager lesbians face a hard time coming out due to societal pressures. But there is a silver lining to this: LGBTQ+ has always been a tough community and they have always had each other’s support. This Life feels incredible, you start to feel more belonging and like you belong in the community with your “chosen family”.

There are, however, fantastic organizations — The Trevor Project comes to mind for me — that do deeply and urgently needed work in support of the LGBTQ+ community. The lesbian flag is a symbol of pride and representation in the LGBTQ+ community.

And there you have it—a simple, few-minutes read of lesbian attraction. Lesbians-go from butterflies and first attraction, to deep bonds of love — our relationships are complex as very many other kinds.

Whether you’re waving a lesbian flag at Pride, owning up to your own feelings, or looking for empathic entry into the world of another’s relationships, remember: love is love. Together, through empathy and debunking stereotypes, we can form a world that celebrates every kind of love.

Want to learn more? So why not start off by reading some books from lesbian authors, watching LGBTQ+ inclusive shows or having a conversation with someone? A good starting point is to define sexual orientation. This is a journey towards clarity, inclusion.

In the words of lesbian poet Audre Lorde, “It is not our differences that divide us. Not in the differences, but in our inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences. Those differences are the very things that make lesbian attraction and love multifaceted in essence — so let’s celebrate them!

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