Autosexuality Understanding Attraction to Oneself

Autosexuality: Understanding Attraction to Oneself

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Published on: October 15, 2024
Last updated on: October 15, 2024
Written By Richard Daniel

Have you ever looked at yourself and said, “Damn I look good today!” and felt a little tingle? Great, maybe you are just beginning to explore the exciting realm of autosexuality. Fear not! We shall get there, and believe me, it is much more fascinating than average biology class.

What is autosexuality anyway?

Let’s start with the basics. This progression about finding yourself sexually attractive, is what autosexuality focusing on. Yeah, you heard that right! Kind of like having a crush on yourself times infinity. Before we carry on and you think it some yuppie phrase for being too self loving, let’s explore the autosexual meaning.

To be autosexual is to have your main sexual and romantic feelings focused on yourself. However, it is not only a matter of thinking that you rule (it also matters). But it’s really about real chemistry attraction to yourself. Wild, right?

A trip down memory lane: Autosexuality through the ages

Sure, this term seems like something invented new by millennials (just like avocado toast, am I right?). But nope! It’s an old concept. It’s only that people used to confuse it with other things, such as narcissism or the slightest bit of high up your own.

But then again, autosexuality is also like a single-scoop of its own flavor in that big ice cream shop called sexual orientation. Contrary to thinking that you are full of yourself or better than anyone else. For me, it all just comes back to self-worth and how far we still have to go in loving ourselves. And hey, who can blame you? You’re pretty awesome!

Autosexual behaviors: More than just self-love

And what does autosexuality actually mean in practice? After all, it is not limited to your pleasure of an excellent selfie. Do you fit into one of these categories (or all), if so, welcome to autosexuality!

  • You smell good or turn yourself on
  • You are the main character in your own sex dreams
  • You’d rather take care of business yourself than deal the partner drama
  • The concept of taking yourself out on a date sounds pretty damn good

To clarify: for an autosexual, the point of looking into a mirror is not just to see if you have spinach caught between your teeth. It’s like looking in the mirror and finding your celebrity crush instead. Pretty cool, huh?

Autosexuality vs. gynosexual: Not the same ballgame, folks!

You are probably wondering now. So when you hear the advice of “Pitch yourself on what you’re good at”, it can come across as we’ve long thought – just being really into ourselves. Well, not quite. I want to chat for a moment about autosexual vs gynosexual orientations. An autosexual person, however is attracted to themselves without regard for the gender expression. But gynosexual crave constant adulation and regard from others.

The spectrum of self-love: It’s not all or nothing

But it gets better than that. That lush autosexuality, it’s not always a solo gig. Autosexuality can be an orientation on its own or coexist with other orientations. In other words, you’re a sexual orientation DJ, who crafts their own identity by mashing stuff up together.

So you could be mostly attracted to other people and just a little bit autosexual! You might also be somewhat autosexual with some attraction to others. Sexuality is not a one-size-fits-all thing

Flying your colors: The autosexual flag

Can you guess what goes with autosexual flag? Yes, of course, like with any other orientation autosexuality has its own pride flag. An autosexual flag which generally consists of white, blue and purple stripes. A lit-up proclamation, “Hi there world, I am my individual flavor”.

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Navigating relationships: It’s not just me, myself, and I

Now, you may be thinking: can autosexual have relationships with others? Absolutely! While some autosexuals go steady with themselves, others search for relationships. That discovery could have a very specific answer that no one but the two of you know and the key is to open communication and understanding.

Think about marrying a person who autosexual. They could need more time alone or they might want some mirrors in between your sexing. It is all about finding something that works for both. Because that’s what relationships are about — compromise, right?

Embracing your autosexual self: A journey of self-discovery

If you are reading this and thinking, “Holy guacamole that is me!” – welcome to the club! Fully embracing your autosexuality can be such a beautiful journey of self-discovery. Follow these tips to help you get started:

Find out More About Autosexuality and Share Experiences with Fellow Humans Online

Self-acceptance is the key, remember you are amazing.

Discover the possibilities of autoeroticism – what pleases you?

If you are in a relationship, talk with your partner (be honest)

Celebrate yourself! Plan dates just for you, get yourself flowers, write love letters to yourself.

The future is autosexual (and everything else too!)

As society expands its concept of human sexuality, we can see autosexuality is an idea with potential. It’s a wonderful time to be alive and in love with yourself!

But they do count, whether you’re autosexual, heterosexual or anywhere in between. We are not responsible for autoeroticism behavior because it is part of the human sexual experience. So next time you are winking at yourself, known or unknown to others; Let it smile back. Embrace it!

There you have it folks, a very brief overview of autosexuality. We’ve learned what an autosexual meaning is, and we dove deeper into the differences between autosexuals vs gynosexual orientations. Keep in your mind that sexuality runs the spectrum and autosexuality is just another gorgeous sub-shade to said rainbow.

Whether you proudly fly the autosexual flag or are just curious about this fascinating orientation, at least know yourself. Learn to love and accept yourself, if that means falling in love with your own type then great for you!!

Yep, you better believe it, wink at yourself in the mirror If you are more of the autosexual type, embrace it. And let’s not forget, in the bigger picture of life, the only relationship that really matters is that which you have and do with yourself. It may as well be a spicy one, correct?

To self-love, accepting yourself and the endless ways one can have a healthy sex life as long it does not hurt others. We deserve all the love, especially in our own arms!

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