Abrosexuality Fluid Attraction Across Genders Explained

Abrosexuality: Fluid Attraction Across Genders Explained

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Published on: October 13, 2024
Last updated on: October 13, 2024
Written By Richard Daniel

Are you pulled like the tide to human and feel your attraction come in waves across sexes? If so, you’re not alone. I had not heard of the term “abrosexuality” before, but it expands the vast vocabulary needed for today’s dynamic sexual orientations and gender fluidity.

Embracing the Fluidity of Attraction

You know, one day they are drawn to the roughness of men, and a week later, the grace of men mesmerizes them! Now imagine that this is not a phase but an ongoing scenario with your life. At the heart of abrosexuality is perhaps a fluid form of sexual attraction as it moves between genders in due course.

The concept of abrosexuality twists around traditional sexual orientations. You get a sexual identity that shifts like the wind (but is also way more interesting!)

So, What Exactly is Abrosexuality?

Abrosexuality is an orientation that represents changes in the attraction of people over time. Or these shifts could take place over the course of a few days, weeks or even months. An abrosexual person may be attracted to only men at one time; later, they might not feel attracted to any gender, and their attractions might even alternate periodically.

If we want to be inclusive, it is imperative that the abrosexual meaning remains at our fingertips for easy reference whenever someone mentions this unique identity. Celebrating diversity and accepting that your attractions are not set in stone from the day you’re born is what this is about.

Debunking Myths: Abrosexuality is Valid!

Supposedly, being abrosexual does not indicate that you are lost or unable to make up your mind about which sex preference to stick with. It is a real and debatable sexual orientation. The variable attractions of an abrosexual are just as real as the differing colors that a chameleon momentarily displays.

The Abrosexual Experience: A Colorful Journey

Picture your sexualness as a tight bunch of colors in motion, forever changing and settling into diverse forms. Welcome to being abrosexual! Here’s how you could do it:

Monday: You are in love with that adorable guy at the coffee shop.

Wednesday: You dream about your coworker, the girl from Tuesday.

Saturday: A non-binary friend casts a spell on you; their own androgyny is utterly beguiling.

Next Week: You’re not sexually attracted to anyone and that is also okay!

As a reminder, no abrosexual experience is going to be “one-size-fits-all.

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Being an Abrosexual in Relationships

For an abrosexual in a relationship, it can be both thrilling and difficult. Below are a few help ideas for you to check out until you cut the knots in waters of love and attraction:

Communication is key: If you feel attraction for more than one gender, share that with your partners. Honesty is essential to trust and learning.

Setting boundaries: Discuss on how the dynamic of your attraction is changing, and what that means for both of you.

Be kind to yourself: what you feel is real, whether or not that feeling changes. Because finding himself was painful enough.

Educate your partners: Share resources about abrosexuality to help them understand your experience better.

Abrosexuality and the LGBTQ+ Spectrum

Abrosexuality is a colorful part of the rich tapestry that makes up our LGBTQ+ identities. It is intersectional with other parts of identity, specifically gender and romantic orientation. This could be someone who is a for example, abrosexual and abroromantic — able to experience changes fluidly in both sexual orientation attraction and romantic orientation interest.

This is why you must understand the distinction between pansexual vs abro­sexual. It may change depending on the person rather than on gender (abrosexuality) or being attracted regardless of sex (pansexual).

The Role of the LGBTQ+ Community In Abrosexuality Support:

We need to be seen: Acknowledging abrosexuality helps challenge the perceived invisibility.

Intersectionality Matters: Recognizing the ways in which abrosexuality combines with other identity traits builds a less harmful place.

Additional support and education: LGBTQ+ organizations may also be able to provide extra resources on fluid sexualities.

Real Voices: Abrosexual Stories

Here are a few abrosexuals sharing their experience:

Where before I thought, “I am just super indecisive. Finding out about abrosexuality was like solving a jigsaw puzzle. And all of a sudden it clicked! – Alex, 25

It is extremely hard being abrosexual while in a long-term relationship, but we make it work by simply communicating and trusting each other. My partner appreciates that I am fluid and my attractions may change, but the feelings for them are not going anywhere. – Sam, 32

My sexual fluidity is something that I cherish. Honestly, it is almost like I get the full range of what attraction really is. It’s beautiful and freeing.” – Jamie, 28

Supporting Abrosexual People: Be an Ally!

Want to help the abrosexual people around you? Here’s how:

Believe and Listen: If someone has enough trust in you to come out as abrosexual, hear them instead of judging.

Read up: Learn about abrosexuality and other fluid sexualities. Knowledge is power!

Use inclusive language: Do not presume align sexuality with whoever that person currently dates or has previously dated.

Raise your voice: When you come across misinformation or stereotypes about abrosexuality speak up.

Address the ability to create safe spaces: institutions where people can feel free to tell their stories and go on sexuality project.

As we come to an end on our exploration of the abrosexual world, let us always remember that human sexuality is not only continuous but beautifully complicated. Abrosexuality is the just one way in which someone feels attraction and love

The more we know about abrosexuality, the better and accepting humanity can be. If you are an abrosexual or someone who supports an abrosexual as a friend, remember that all consential forms of love and attraction is beautiful.

Because of this, let us celebrate the spectrum that is human sexuality in fluid color!!

Q: Is abrosexuality the same as bisexuality or pansexuality?

A: Technically, while all of these are valid orientations, abrosexuality involves shifts over time in attraction, excluding the more stable attractions found in bisexuality and pansexuality. We can better understand the difference between pansexuality and abrosexuality by recognizing their distinctions.

Q: Can abrosexuals feel attracted all the time, or can they experience periods of zero attraction?

A: Absolutely! Some abrosexual people experience times when they do not feel sexually attracted to anyone.

Q: How can someone identify if they’re abrosexual?

A: If you realize that your attraction swings back and forth between genders frequently, you may be abrosexual. Knowing abrosexual meaning will help you decide if this is how you experience things. Always remember that you only define yourself as sexually.

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