Omnisexuality Attraction to All Genders and Identities

Omnisexuality: Attraction to All Genders and Identities

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Published on: October 7, 2024
Last updated on: October 7, 2024
Written By Lisa Pechey

When love goes to a new level in a way that knows no bounds, sometimes our conception of sexual orientation grows alongside it. Omnisexuality is a colorful identity representation among the many shades of attraction that break the gender binary. We shall deep dive today into the vibrancy of omnisexual reality and how little things are it when you feel all kinds of genders, identities and somethings.

What is Omnisexuality?

Being an omnisexual is simply being sexually attracted to men, women and every gender and identity in between. Imagine a heart open to connecting with anyone, no matter what part of the gender spectrum they occupy. Omnisexuals acknowledge and often value gender distinctions but may not feel limited in their romantic or sexual choices contingent on them.

Omnisexual Flag As this attraction to not just men or women, also including non-binary and genderfluid identifiers, the broad stripes of pink, purple, and blue represents it all. This is a perfect example of love not having any gender.

But… is not that the same as pansexuality, you might be thinking. Not quite! Both orientations encompass attractions to all genders, but there is a distinct yet crucial difference.

Omnisexual vs Pansexual: Spotting the Difference

The difference between pansexual and bisexual is a topic that arises with some regularity, but more interesting still, what about the subtle difference between omnisexuality vs pansexuality?

Pansexual people will often say that they are “gender-blind” – meaning they are attracted to people irrespective of gender. Because to them, gender has zero bearing on whether or not they find someone attractive.

Omnisexual people, on the other hand, are well aware that there is a gender. They feel attraction toward many or all genders, but they have a gender preference for their attractions. A person who identifies as omnisexual may appreciate different aspects in various genders, admiring male attitudes and physical traits of masculinity, female nurturing qualities and physical characteristics of femininity, or they might also have a preference for intersexual or intersex individuals.

If you want to gain a more binary understanding, consider this: pansexual people might say, “I don’t see gender; I just see people,” while omnisexuals might express, “I do see and appreciate gender and feel attracted in different ways to all the beautiful traits that each person has.”

Omnisexuality Through the Ages

Although in comparison the term is a recent addition, the idea of being omnisexual as all genders sexual attraction have long existed. There is a history of individuals and cultures who experienced attraction outside of the gender binary throughout human history.

For example, in the ancient Greek myth did have loving gods and goddesses on both side of genders. Many Indigenous cultures held Two-Spirit individuals in high regard for reflecting both masculine and feminine qualities, and these individuals often formed relationships with members of either gender.

Pop culture has reflected this – one of the first scripted TV storylines featured the character Darryl from wild Ex-Girlfriend coming out as omnisexual. Whether its humans, aliens or whatever is in-between, characters such as Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who and Torchwood describe themselves as being omnisexual.

Challenges and Misconceptions

Despite the increasing awareness, society often confuses and misunderstands omnisexual people. There are several misconceptions such as:

  1. Omnisexuality isn’t just a phase – it’s a valid, persistent identity and not some confused period.
  2. Stereotype: “You’re just greedy.” This counterproductive stereotype suggests that omnisexual people are overly attracted to others.
  3. “Pick a side”: If individuals are only dating either men or women, this completely erases non-binary gender options.

Omnisexual individuals may face “erasure,” the least recognized aspect of biphobia, where others deny or overlook their identity. Others may mislabel them as bisexual or pansexual or dismiss their attraction to multiple genders as simply an inability to make up their minds.

Embracing Identity: Omnisexuality and Gender

Omnisexuality easily connects with the broad range of gender identities. In touch omnisexuals, their attraction will not only be restricted to cisgender both but also to non-binary, genderfluid, and transgender individuals.

Such relatable admiration really boosts those who discover that their omnisexual partners well-represent, adore, and desire their gender identification, which can then be more empowering.

Among LGBTQIA+ members, omnisexuals are the ones who make the rainbow circle very colorful with their plethora of personal stories and different perspectives. They change the really new idea of both sexuality and the gender binary, altering the structures that help present the realities of gay people and others.

Navigating Relationships and Intimacy

Navigating healthy relationships as an omnisexual person may require you to be more upfront about your attractions. So, now we share some of the foster-loving as Omnisexual strategies:

  1. Know who you are: Define what being omnisexual is to you and how it influences whom you feel attracted to.
  2. Insecurities: It can scare partners thinking that you’re going to leave them for someone of another gender. Let them know that your loyalty is not defined by a gender.
  3. Honor differences: Appreciate the specific strengths every partner provides independent of what gender they identify with.

An omnisexual person might take pleasure in discovering delight through gender expressions with a vast intimacy in the bedroom. As Always it’s about consent, communication and a certain level of respect.

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Supporting Omnisexual Loved Ones

So, should someone in your life come out as omnisexual — offer support by doing the following ways:

  1. Hear them out: Nothing is more valuable than their Story and personal Definition of Omnisexuality.
  2. Be respectful of their identity: If they say that they’re omnisexual, you still shouldn’t try to relabel them as bi or pan.
  3. Be an ally: Support omnisexual rights and educate those around you

The Trevor Project and GLAAD provide support and information to omnisexual individuals looking for community. It covers sections of omnisexuality with books like The ABCs of LGBT+ by Ashley Mardell.

The Future of Omnisexuality

But as we grow more progressive about gender and sexuality, the omnisexual orientation stands as evidence of just how multifaceted human attraction can be. This shows that love does not discriminate; it is guided by people, not by boxes.

In the future, we hope more media will feature omnisexual representation, educational systems will raise awareness of omnisexuality, and LGBTQIA+ spaces will proudly showcase it. If omnisexuality comes to definition, and more people begin understanding it as its own unique orientation rather than an exception from common sexualities, it may be easier for omnisexuals to live fully in a society that allows greater diversity of identities.

Omnisexuality does not just include the people involved in a sexual or romantic attraction, it is the acceptance of all forms of human gender. This acceptance of differences understands that, as with the people we meet, so to, the wants differ in several ways and degrees.

Nonetheless, even if one chooses to self-identify as indiscriminately attracted to all genders, such a discussion does not apply to oneself or if indeed one is merely trying to understand and assist the impossible—LGBTQ people—better, love is love. You can say that every tent comes in several colors, and within gender circles, each color also exists.

By allowing for love in all its complexities, we in turn, also let the members of the society express their love in any way possible. Hence, we unapologetically embrace bisexuality and aspire to create a world that accepts all attractions and encourages the exploration of all identities.

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