Cancellation Policy

You can cancel orders according to our specific terms of cancellation. Hence, it will be helpful to read through the policies to know the guidelines before continuing.

We have high customers’satisfaction ratings. However, we understand that every customer has a unique case. Therefore, we offer cancellation services.

At times, circumstances beyond the customers’ control may make them cancel their orders, which they cannot avoid.

How to cancel orders on our portal?

This is because we have made our cancellation process simple and you can easily cancel your membership online. In the same way, you may also cancel by making a call at our helpline. Both cases however, require the client to state the reason for cancellation.

Once you cancel your order and meet the stipulated policies, you will receive a cancellation invoice from us.

How do we refund our cancellation orders and requests?

First of all, the team checks the concerned policy norms upon receiving the cancellation request. After that, we check the order volume and liaise with our delivery and logistics department for the further actions.

For refunds, we only process online transactions. We will credit the amount back to your account. We do not accept cash or drafts. So, you will have to give your bank details and other information to enable us process the transaction.

If the bank account details are wrong, we are not responsible. If the details are inactive, we are not responsible as well.

An online cancellation order on our portal requires at least 7 working days to take effect. It will take 7 working days for the cancellation to become active once instructed on our portal.

Additionally, we will not take responsibility if the funds do not reflect back in the account within 7 working days. You should contact your bank and not us.

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